Stakeholder Engagement
Primary Health Exchange

The voices of all our stakeholders – communities, consumers, families, carers, health professionals and service providers, are critical to shaping our work to address inequity, identify gaps and invest in local care.

Cultural Competency and Capability Frameworks

We’re working with communities, primary health care providers and partners across the health system in WA to ensure everyone has access to culturally competent and safe services.

Learn more

Painted Dog Stakeholder Research 2023

Painted Dog interviewed our commissioned service providers to get feedback on their experiences working with WAPHA, including benefits, frustration and challenges. WAPHA is committed to actioning the recommendations.

Read more

Better Health, Together videos

Keep up to date with changes, themes and health trends across WA. Knowledge shared by those using and delivering primary care means we can better identify gaps and tackle inequity.

Watch the series


WA Primary Health Alliance shapes, strengthens and sustains a health system that works for people. Read more about our community projects and stories.

Find out more

Stakeholder Engagement Framework 

Stakeholder engagement is everyone’s business at WA Primary Health Alliance.

Developed with input from key staff and stakeholders, the Stakeholder Engagement Framework demonstrates WA Primary Health Alliance’s ongoing commitment to delivering better health, together through authentic partnerships.


The Framework sets the standard and expectations for stakeholder engagement across the organisation and provides clear and consistent advice to guide respectful, meaningful and effective relationships with our diverse stakeholders to achieve our strategic priorities as well as see our vision of shaping, strengthening and sustaining a health system that works for people realised.

Key features of the Framework include:

  • SPEAK engagement stages which detail the process to follow when undertaking any engagement activity.
  • Stakeholder engagement spectrum and engagement methods, which adapt to our stakeholders level of influence and the scope, scale and desired outcomes of the engagement.
  • Guidance on co-design in a primary health care commissioning environment.
  • The key principles that guide our engagement practice.
  • An overview of implementation and application of the Framework.

WAPHA Stakeholder Engagement Framework 2024


Stakeholder paid participation forms 

WA Primary Health Alliance directly engages stakeholders in structured engagement such as reference groups and committees.  Stakeholders engaged in this way can download the paid participation forms and guide below, or contact the stakeholder engagement team for a printed copy.

Use Care Opinion to share your experience of healthcare in WA
WA Primary Health Alliance supports work that contributes to all four domains of the quadruple aim of health care. Sharing the experience of people accessing care helps inform the continuous improvement of our health care system.

We encourage the use of Patient Opinion as an online platform to share your stories and experience – both the good and not so good – to inform and bring about change in WA healthcare services. 

Visit Patient Opinion

Do you need support to make a formal complaint or information about your healthcare rights? 

Health Consumers’ Council WA is an independent voice advocating for patients in Western Australia. Information about their advocacy services and other initiatives is available on their website or phone 1800 620 780 (for country callers) or (08) 9221 3422.


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