CEO's desk

Welcome to the CEO’s desk, with Learne Durrington

WA Primary Health Alliance is delivering better health for Western Australians. Together with our strategic partners, we’re ensuring patients experience quality care, at the right time, wherever they live in WA.

Our unique ability to look system-wide at issues of equity and access, and to work with partners at all levels, means we are able to shape, strengthen and sustain a health system fit for the future.

Kind regards, 


Join me as I explore the successes, improvements and challenges within Western Australia’s health system.

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Year in Review 2023-24

This past year can be summed up in two words – collective impact. This has been achieved through integration, collaboration and innovation internally within WA Primary Health Alliance and through working alongside our commissioned service providers and primary health care professionals.

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Depression starts small

I am delighted to launch Depression starts small, get help before it grows, a campaign that plays into the age-old metaphor of the black dog, updating it to introduce the black puppy as a symbol for mild to moderate depression.

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Make the call on your mental health today

All Western Australians, no matter their postcode or their circumstances, deserve access to quality and affordable mental health care and support.

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Year in Review 2022-23

As the dust began to settle on COVID-19, we continued to focus on our strategic priorities and vision of a more connected primary health care system for WA.

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Better Health, Together

The Big 5 for good mental health

Professor Nick Titov, Executive Director of MindSpot talks about The Big 5, an evidence-based tool that everyone can use to nurture and improve their mental health.

Urgent Care Clinics

GP and practice owner at Ocean Keys Family Practice Dr Tim Koh, talks about the establishment of Clarkson Medicare Urgent Care Clinic.

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Cultural competency, equity and inclusion 

Merinda March, CEO of Hope Community Services, shares her insights about becoming a culturally competent organisation.

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Gold Standard Care and making a difference

Dr Walid Jammal, GP at Hills Family General Practice speaks about gold standard care, data and making a difference in general practice.

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The Future of General Practice

Dr Stephen Duckett speaks about what the general practice of the future will look like, including the foundations that need to be built for a practice to be effective and efficient.

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