Request number: 2024-81

Request for Proposal: Youth Enhanced Services – Country WA PHN (Geraldton)

About this Opportunity:

WAPHA is seeking the services of an organisation to establish a Youth Enhanced Service (YES) Program to provide clinical treatment (including medication management – prescribing, monitoring, education) and associated support directed towards functional recovery to young people aged 12-25 years who meet the criteria for Stage 1b-2 in the service model and their families.

This will be achieved through the use of:

  1. developmentally appropriate multi-dimensional (transdiagnostic) assessments;
  2. personalised treatment planning;
  3. coordinated provision of acceptable stage-specific multi-faceted clinical treatments, psychological and social interventions and other supports with;
  4. care coordination; and
  5. routine outcome monitoring aligned, accordingly.

      The Contractor is required to deliver the Activity based on a co-developed local instance of the YES Model.

      This must enable the sustainable provision of all essential elements of the YES model either directly or through formal partnerships.

      Request Briefing

      A non-mandatory briefing will be held on Friday, 13 December 2024 at 9.30am.

      Please follow the link to attend the briefing:

      Queries and Responses

      Please raise all queries via email to and WAPHA will publish responses on this webpage.


      Please submit the completed submission form/s, budgets, non-conformance schedule and other attachments you wish to submit as part of your application to

      Submission is to be no larger than 20MB.

      Anticipated Timeframe

      At the time of issuing this Request, WAPHA anticipates the following timeframe for the completion of the process.

      • Request open: Tuesday, 10 December 2024
      • Tender briefing: Friday, 13 December 2024
      • Close date for queries:  Tuesday, 7 January 2025
      • Close date for submissions: Thursday, 23 January 2025
      • Completion of evaluation of Submissions: Thursday, 6 February 2025
      • Notification of Outcome: Monday, 24 February 2025

      Request Documents:

      1. Service Agreement (read and keep)
      2. Service Agreement – Activity Schedule (read and keep)
      3. Orygen YES Model Core Component Underpinning Principles (read and keep)
      4. Youth Mental Health Service Model and Approaches – Considerations for Primary Care (read and keep)
      • Part D  – Submission – Consisting of the following attachments:
      1. Submission Form (complete and submit)
      2. Establishment Budget Template (complete and submit)
      3. Service Delivery Budget Template (complete and submit)
      4. Non-Conformance Schedule (complete and submit if required)






          Tender briefing

          Watch to find out more


          Please check the webpage regularly for any updates in the Q&A section.
          Click the question to expand for more.

          Is there a specific number of clients that will need Youth Enhance Services or is it as they are needed?

          The expected caseload for each staff member is 20 young people at any given time. The expected number of clients to be seen by the service annually should be calculated on this basis, with consideration for the FTE/equivalent and the duration that each client will be engaged with the service 

          Do you have any information on the MOST program that you refer to in the briefing

          Services should implement the WAPHA headspace strategy, including enhanced digital access to services (including MOST – Moderated Online Social Therapy). Further information on MOST can be found at 

          Is there a word count maximum for the Section 3 of the submission form?

          No. Currently, WAPHA is only able to receive tender submissions via emailA single zip folder no larger than 20MB is the maximum that can safely be processed via our email system.    

          Could you please confirm whether clause B.2.10 on p.6 of the Activity Schedule (copied below) means that the successful provider has to be accredited against (or planning to transition to) the National Safety and Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Standards, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 2021 if they are directly employing clinical staff for the service, e.g. psychiatrists, GPs or psychologists, and are not planning to use clinical staff from a partner/subcontracted organisation? Does the term ‘medical services’ here refer to the provision of clinical mental health services? B.2.10 Accreditation Requirements – Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Minimum Standard The Contractor is required to be accredited against one the following standards: (1) National Safety and Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Standards, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 2021. Minimum requirement where the provider is directly responsible for the governance of medical services. (2) National Safety and Quality Mental Health Standards for Community Managed Organisations, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 2022. Minimum requirement where the provision of medical services is under the governance of an external provider organisation. Providers who are only currently accredited against the National Standards for Mental Health Services (2010) are not excluded from this tender process however must submit evidence of a transition plan to move to the relevant Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care managed standards cited above during the contract term.

          WAPHA confirms the term ‘medical services’ refers to the provision of clinical mental health services.  

          Could you please confirm the last day we can submit queries to WAPHA? The ‘Background and Information’ document (p.6) states Tuesday 7 January; however, the ‘Conditions of Request’ document (p.3) states ‘Respondents may seek clarification of any matters relating to this Request up until three (3) Business Days before the Closing Time’, which would be 17 or 20 January.

          The last day to submit queries is Tuesday 7 January 2025. 

          Fees cannot be used for capital works - could you please confirm that this means rent/occupancy costs are acceptable but fit-out costs as part of service establishment are excluded?

          WAPHA acknowledges there will be establishment costs and has included a separate Establishment Budget template to be completed with the submissionAny final agreement on establishment costs will be negotiated with WAPHA before Contract Execution. 

          With regards to the model co-development group, could you please confirm whether WAPHA will be recruiting the participants or whether the provider will need to recruit them, e.g. the recruitment of GPs and potential service users (local young people and their families)?

          The Contractor will establish a YES model co-development group to localise the service design and implement the model of care.

          Could you please confirm whether a community-based mental health organisation that is looking to deliver the whole service is required to comply with the National Safety and Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Standards (2021), or would the National Safety and Quality Mental Health Standards for Community Managed Organisations (2022) be sufficient for accreditation in this case?

          Yes a community-based mental health organisation that is looking to deliver the whole service is required to comply with the National Safety and Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Standards (2021)

          If a provider is required to transition to the “National Safety and Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Standards (2021)” or “National Safety and Quality Mental Health Standards for Community Managed Organisations (2022)”, could you please advise if there is a specific date during the contract term this would need to be achieved by?

          It is expected that the provider is regularly evidencing progress towards 2022 standards.  This will be set through Contract Management processes.

          How much of the data currently collected at a headspace centre aligns with the reporting requirements of the national Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Set (PMHC-MDS)

          More information on PMHC-MDS Base  Data Specifications and PMHC-MDS Extension Data Specifications headspace can be found at

          Criteria 3.2 SERVICE METHODOLOGY (40 %) Detail the methodology that will be used to achieve the Service Outcomes detailed in the draft Activity Schedule" However the draft schedule document does not explicitly outline Service Outcomes. Can you provide a definition of outcomes, including any PHN documentation or frameworks that can assist in presenting the information being sought.

          Orygen have published a Monitoring and Evaluation Tool for YES that includes implementation guidance, along with many other YES related resources

          Developing Performance Indicators and Targets for Youth Enhanced Services – Orygen, Revolution in Mind

          The Activity Schedule includes targets under ‘Improved Cost Effectiveness’ (p.10), which compares against performance from the previous year. Is there an intention to include an extension option to this contract (currently expires 30 June 2026) or are these targets not applicable?

          Improved Cost Effectiveness is a standard Mental Health Performance Indicator across all WAPHA contracts.  WAPHA funding is dependent on Department of Health and Aged Care funding.


          While the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.