WA Hepatitis B s100 Prescriber Course Part 2 of 3

Become a hepatitis B s100 prescriber to manage and treat chronic hepatitis?B in?primary care settings. 

This course provides Medical Practitioners and Nurse Practitioners with comprehensive training in the science of hepatitis B (HBV), current pharmacology, monitoring and treatment, and the complicating factors surrounding HBV management.

Upon successful completion of this training and the associated case assessment, eligible participants may apply to the relevant state departments of health for authority to prescribe Section 100 (s100) drugs for the management of HBV in Australia. 


Course Time & Date

Part 1 – Tuesday 16 April 2024, 6.30-8.30pm (AWST) 

Part 2 – Tuesday 23 April 2024, 6.30-8.30pm (AWST)

Part 3 – Tuesday 30 April 2024, 6.30-8.30pm (AWST)

 Register here

Location: Online – Zoom


Attendance at all sessions is required to receive accreditation.


Course Components:

This course will be presented as a mix of self-paced and live facilitated learning, providing attendees?an opportunity to discuss and practice strategies with peers and specialists. This is comprised of:

  • Online Learning Modules.
  • Three 2-hour interactive webinars via Zoom, accessed through the ASHM online learning platform.
  • Case Studies.
  • Multiple choice quiz.

Presentations and case discussions will be delivered by specialists and primary care providers with expertise in hepatitis?B.

Total expected time to complete all self-paced and live components = 11 hours


Learning Outcomes:

Through online learning and virtual teaching, participants will?learn to:

  • Outline the critical role of primary care in the diagnosis, management and treatment of people living with chronic hepatitis B. 
  • Plan long-term care, including guideline-based monitoring and hepatocellular carcinoma screening, for patients with chronic hepatitis B.
  • Select and prescribe first-line antiviral treatment when clinically indicated.
  • Identify situations where specialist advice or referral is required.
  • Integrate principles of person-centered and culturally competent care into hepatitis B management. 


Target Audience:

General Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners, other community based medical practitioners based in WA. 


Endorsement and CPD:

This organisation is an RACGP-accredited CPD Provider under the RACGP CPD Program. This is an RACGP-approved CPD activity under the RACGP CPD Program. This activity has been approved for the following hours and types:

  • Educational Activities (EA): 6.0 hours
  • Reviewing Performance (RP): 3.5 hours

This course and associated activities are accredited with ACRRM for 6 educational activity PDP units, 3.5 Performance review PDP units, and 4 Additional CPD requirements in the 2023 – 2025 triennium. 



This activity is funded by the Western Australian Department of Health.

This course is free to attend for professions aligned with the target audience who practice in WA. 


Further Information:

Please contact ASHM Education, click here to send an email. Or call 0431 320 429 for further assistance.


Register here.

Event Details

April 23 - April 23
06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
Health Professionals

Organizer Details


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